Cream Tea Party Package

A Quintessentially British Tasting Experience, in the Heart of the Middle East!

A Scone is no regular snack, it's an experience! Our scone treats provide a talking point and add something uniquely special to any event or gathering.

Royal Treats will help you put together the perfect 'Party Package' to fit your needs. Here are some ideas:

Employee appreciation... High tea is the perfect way to end a busy week at work. Order a box for your weekly office happy hour!

Close that deal... Impress business associates by serving these classy treats at an important meeting, along with a nice cup of tea.

Party with a difference... Jazz up any birthday party, bachelorette party or baby shower with a Cream Tea spread and some Champagne added to the mix. Day or night, it'll be an event to remember!

Guest/host with the most... You'll be the potluck dinner star if you bring a box of Royal Treats for afters. Or impress your friends with a spontaneous weekend tea party.

The possibilities are endless...

Party Packages typically present our Classic Raisin flavour scones, as preferred by the Queen at her garden parties!

However, if you prefer something different, we'll be happy to oblige. Alternative flavours include:

Cherry Almond
Lemon Drizzle
Rustic Apple (whole spelt flour)
Oat Strawberry (wheat free)
Special Occasion (themed shapes & colours)

Finally, here's a brief guide on how to eat scones by leading etiquette expert William Hanson

Click here to call.

Product Details: Our regular scones contain flour, eggs, sugar & dairy. Gluten free & dairy free options are available upon request.
Additional Info: Minimum order box of 8. Clotted cream, jam & drinks added according to your requirements..
Payment Info: Each order is uniquely fitted to your needs, therefore prices will vary accordingly.
Delivery Options: Only locally
Delivery Policy: You're welcome to pick up from us or we can arrange delivery. Currently we only deliver on Thursdays in Central Israel.
Supply Info:
Caters to Events
Shelf Life: If not eaten immediately, scones can last in the fridge for up to 5 days, or 3 months in the freezer. Best served slightly warmed/toasted. Clotted cream must be refrigerated and used within 3-5 days.
Keywords: Scones, Cream Tea, Cream Tea Israel, Artisan Scones, Artisan Baker, Bespoke Events, Garden Party, Scones in Israel, Scones Tel Aviv, British Bake Off, Queen Scones, English Tea, Tea Party, Afternoon Tea, Office Party, Happy Hour, Birthday, Celebration, Private Parties, Events, Brits in Israel, Tel Aviv Scones, Scones Israel

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